Is Business School Worth the Cost?

Business school definitely has it’s benefits –  like the opportunity to network & connect with serious players in business, learn about leadership & entrepreneurship, and increase your chances for mobility and a pay raise at work. But is it worth the cost!?

I live in Baltimore so I searched John Hopkins B-school tuition rates.

Here’s what I saw:

Cost of John Hopkins Carey Business School

is business school worth the it worth the cost

Over $100k in tuition!

In all honestly, I would love to go to business school. Personally, I’d go for the mental exercise, the challenge, the opportunity for new achievement & to make new connections. But..

…It’s too damn expensive!

I can’t wrap my brain around the costs. You can find plenty of ways to network, learn entrepreneurship and demonstrate value to your company for a pay raise – without paying $100k for another degree.

By the way – Sorry to all my comrades out there paying Sallie Mae for your undergrad. I feel your pain.

If my company would pay for it 100%, I’d consider it. But otherwise, I can’t see it happening.

What say you about the B-school? Speak on it!

How To Find Peace In Pursuit

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There’s one huge mistake a see tons of ambitious people make everyday.

They deny themselves the opportunity to be happy & to enjoy life – until they “arrive” – until they reach a certain status, obtain a certain position or reach a particular level of income.

They don’t deny themselves intentionally, of course (I used to be one of those people by the way).

They just keep their nose to the grindstone and forget to ever come up for air to enjoy the simple things.

The ironic thing is – it’s the little things that create the most meaning in our lives:

Holidays filled with family & laughter, cuddling with our kids to read a bedtime story, dinner out with close friends, enjoying the peaceful serenity of the sunrise and sunset, being a positive force or friendly face in the lives of others…

These are things we can do today.

Yes – Having goals are a must. And being ambitious is engrained in our nature.

Our happiness should not be dependent on whether we achieve a particular goal. Your joy should be internal, instead of reliant on outside factors.

Learn to create peace while in pursuit of your goals and you have already earned your prize.

That is Peace In Pursuit :)


Afterall –  we never should really arrive. Once we accomplish one goal – we simply move on to the next.


Wishing you peace in pursuit,



5 Key Tips From “The 4 Hour Work Week”: Get More Free Time without Quitting Your Job


The following are 5 great tips he provides in the book, some of which I have implemented and others I plan to test!

5 Key Tips From “The 4 Hour Work Week” : How to Get More Free Time Without Quitting Your Job

1) Create a to-do list at the end of each day

Create a to-do list before leaving work each day which maps out the most important tasks to complete the following day. Seems simple enough, right? But you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do it! Do you? I’ll admit, sometimes I am still hit or miss, but I have gotten a lot better! And creating the list definitely improves my productivity the next day.

2) Do NOT check email first thing in the morning

This may be the exact opposite of what most of us do. Here’s why it’s important not to check email first thing when you get to the office. It is SO easy to get lost in a sea of emails. Before you know it, you’ve spent your first hour or two of the day (often times people’s most productive hours) executing other’s agendas, instead of your own.

Similar to the concept of Brian Tracy’s “Eat That Frog,” Ferris suggest to accomplish your most important task of the day (the one you identify on your to-do list the evening prior) before you even check your email.

3) Check your email at specified intervals

Not only should you avoid checking email the first thing in the morning, Ferris suggests checking it at specified intervals,  maybe 2 or 3 times per day. This prevents the habit that most of us have of leaving Outlook open all day & constantly being distracted from what we’re working on. He even goes so far as to suggest setting up an auto-response informing people that you’ll be reviewing & responding to emails at 10am and 3pm, daily (for example). That way the expectation is set. And you can focus on your tasks!

4) Get really good & really efficient at what you do

“The Four Hour Work Week” is not about being lazy (well it kinda is, but in a good way!) Ferris, doesn’t suggest you do nothing, or try to get over by producing as little as possible. In fact, he suggests you get really good at what you do. So good that you become indispensable to your company. Leading to tip #5 – negotiating a remote work environment.

5) Negotiate a remote work environment

 Work from anywhere! (Work while backpacking in Europe? Traveling through South America? Don’t mind if I do!) And thanks to Tim’s prior advice, you’ll be so efficient that a 40 hour work week will hardly be necessary to still meet & exceed the responsibilities of your job.

I understand working remotely is not plausible for everyone. But for many of us, it is an option if we just raise our hands & ask. And the key is, the more knowledgeable you are in your position, the more value you provide to your company, and the more productive you are – the more likely you’ll be able to negotiate the terms of your employment – including working remotely!

(Important Note: Being more productive does not equal putting in more hours. That’s the misconception that so many of us have – that in order to be more productive you have to spend more time on something. But that simply isn’t the case. That is what the rest of “The Four Hour Work Week” dives into. How you can be more productive in less time. In my personal case, a remote work environment IS an option. So many of the tips provided in the book were right up my ally.

I expect that soon I’ll be putting the 4 hour work week to the test! (Particularly step 5, hopefully, in the coming months). I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

Have you read “The 4 Hour Work Week?” What was your favorite part of the book?

Are any of the strategies above, something you can implement in your current work environment? Speak on it!

If you found any value out of this post, please hit the share buttons on this page. Thanks for stopping by!


Are You a Multi-Tasker? Find Out How It Could Be Hurting Hurting Your Business and Your Life

Often times, the word “multi-tasker” is used with a positive connotation – a characteristic intended to describe someone who can handle many things at once.  Many people proudly profess that they are  a “multi-tasker.”

But the truth is multi-tasking is hurting your business and your life.

As any busy entrepreneur, working parent or even student would know, it is indeed important to be able to juggle multiple projects simultaneously over the course of a period time.

But literally working on two or three things at the same moment is cause for mental chaos.


Answer These Questions:

How often do you have multiple web browsers open at the same time?

Do you check your  email on your phone while having a “conversation” with someone?

Are you working on other things while also dabbling on Facebook?

Do you read with the TV on?


I know these things happen frequently because I am guilty of some of them. You feel so strapped for time that you feel an obligation or pressure to work on multiple things, literally in the same setting.

focus and multi tasking

 The Need For Focus

The problem with this is you are never truly able to FOCUS. FOCUS & CLARITY are the supreme essentials from getting from point A to B – no matter where it is you’re trying to go.

To be most effective with one’s time, one should have a specific objective or outcome for each work related activity that he or she initiates.  That way – not only is the job getting done, but it’s getting done with the best quality, with the less likelihood for error, or need for later correction.

Furthermore, when we work on ONE THING AT A TIME, we are actually MORE efficient with our time. When there are constant distractions & disruptions, we tend to take longer to complete a task that otherwise would have been simple to knock out.


multi-tasking and focus


Multi-Tasking and Relationships

Attention  is the most valuable gift you can give someone. It tells them “ You are worthy,” “You deserve my time” and “I want to hear what you have to say.

When it comes to building and maintaining quality relationships, multi-tasking may be the last thing you want to do.

It is in simple moments & experiences exchanged, in the constant knowing you have someone to listen & hear  you, that strong inter-personal relationships are built.

This applies to business partners.

This applies to a spouse.

This applies to OUR CHILDREN.

Make time. Stop multi-tasking. Here’s how.


How to Stop Multi-Tasking and Become Most Efficient Today

     1. Whenever you sit at your computer have a specific objective to do so.

Are you writing a blog post? Hosting a webinar? Doing online training? Whatever it is, have an action plan or to-do list written out. Once you’re done, you’re done.

     2. Have set times for checking thing like Facebook or email.

     3. When someone is speaking to you, look them in the eye. Put down the phone, laptop or doo-dad. Listen.


What you will find is more time in your day. Less stress with your workload. And improved relationships.




Do you have difficulty with letting go of doing lots of things at once? Comment below and also connect with me on Facebook.  Thanks for stopping by!



Live Life By Design,

Alice Dymally

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this article regarding multi-tasking, productivity & time management.  If you got ANY value out of this post please hit the share buttons on this page.

3 Smart Time Management Tools to Increase Focus & Productivity

Are you super busy juggling home and business & looking for effective time management tools? This article will provide you 3 very useful time management tools to increase your productivity and help you stay on target with your goals.

time management tools 2

Here are 3 Smart Time Management Tools to Increase Focus & Productivity

1. Google Calendar

2. Stay Focused

3. The Habit Factor


Time Management Tools: Google Calendar

The first one is the free Google calendar. You just simply log into your Gmail account. Then in the bar at the top left look for “Calendar.”

Time Management Tools


time management tools google calendar


Time Management Tools: Stay Focused

This one is a doozy :) Stay Focused is only available as an extension to Google Chrome, so it won’t track your time using desktop apps—but it will track your time on the web! Just imagine that. When you see it in black & white that you blew an hour on Facebook – it might just help you re-prioritize your day!

Time Management Tools: The Habit Factor

The Habit Factor is an app. You can download it on your smartphone, I believe for $6.99. This is more than just a daily time management tool. The Habit Factor helps you map out your goals – short term and long term. Then it ensures your daily activities are in line with those goals. The purpose is to help you stay consistent until you’ve developed productive habits.

3 Smart Time Management Tools to Increase Focus & Productivity

I hope you find plenty of use out of these 3 smart time management tools. What are some of your favorite “time management tools?” Comment below. Also for one of the BEST trainings on effective goal setting & productivity listen to this audio by Earl Nightingale called The Strangest Secret


bonus 2 time management tools



I’ve increased my productivity, learned valuable skill sets relating to Internet marketing and have created a second income stream by blogging with the Empower Network. Find out how you can too.

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Live Life By Design,

Alice Dymally
